
Pray and Give. (Day 335)

What People Like (Day 334)

Sunday Complaints (Day 333)

How to Stay Warm in the Jersey Winter (Day 332)

No Schedule Days(Day 331)

The Thanksgiving Nap and other traditions (Day 330)

So thankful to be, well, alive. (Day 329)

Things I learned on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving (Day 328)

On dressing like a elf, by accident (Day 327)

Worry Crisis (Day 326)

40 Days and 40 Blogs. (Day 325)

Lunar Reset (Day 324)

How to celebrate the Lunar Eclipse (Day 323)

The Preemies (Day 322)

Explaining Yourself (Day 321)

Trust (me) the Process (is horrible) (Day 320)

Little Apocalypses (Day 319)

Shoes (Day 318)

Headlines of the Week (Day 317)

I know I should write about Veteran's Day (Day 316)

Hard to finish sentences(315)

Sorrow is better than laughter. (Day 314)

Four Things I've Learned Not Writing (Day 313)

Prayer Request Trish (Day 312)

And we're back . .. .(Day 311)

Are we getting the complimentary water? (Day 310)

Mediocre Day of Writing. (Day 309)