I fell off the Jesus Wagon (Week 3 Review) January 26, 2014 #onlyonething Bad Christians faith Faith Resolutions Weekly Bible Study +
Only One Thing: Galatians 3:28 (Week 3) January 20, 2014 #onlyonething Bad Christians Galatians 3:28 Martin Luther King Jr. Weekly Bible Study Weekly Devotional +
Becoming a good person. . .finally. (Week 2 Review) January 18, 2014 #onlyonething Bad Christians Faith Resolutions prayer Weekly Bible Study Weekly Devotional +
Only One Thing: Luke 11: 9-10 (Week 2) January 12, 2014 #onlyonething Bad Christians Faith Resolutions Luke 11:9-10 Weekly Bible Study Weekly Devotional +
Be Still. . . .and shake your fist at the Polar Vortex or something. (Week 1 Review) January 10, 2014 #onlyonething Bad Christians Only One Thing Polar vortex psalm 46 Weekly Bible Study +
Only One Thing: Psalm 46:10 (Week 1) January 06, 2014 Bad Christians Faith Resolutions Only One Thing Weekly Bible Study Weekly Devotional +