Are we getting the complimentary water? (Day 310)

Two familiar refrains around our house are “when Daddy was away” or “when Daddy is away.” I know it drives “daddy” (I like to call him Mike) a little crazy. He does not like to be away from us; and he certainly does not like to be left out of our hi-jinx. 

One benefit of this sometimes traveling husband of mine is Marriott points. He is a master at collecting hotel reward points and then I am a master at spending them. I love a nice night or two away for a mini break. Our kids are experienced hotel guests—always aware of the perks, like the complimentary water for Platinum-Diamond-Superstar Rewards members. This year we’ve been utilizing those points for quick getaways to Hershey, PA.

We love it here. It feels worlds away from Jersey. The kids all love it. The park is lovely. The rides are fun. Troegs is the best. The bathrooms smell like chocolate. There is always something new to discover in the area. Everything moves at a slower pace, except for the roller coasters. 

We’ve only been here for 5 hours and I already feel like a human being again—less hysterical, less distracted and more present.  

And with that, I am wrapping up Yoke tonight. To be present for snuggles and cuddles and laughs with this family of mine. 
