It's the first day of something related to something. (Day 1, Year 5)

Friends, I've been writing in Yoke forever; but this is the 5th year of attempting to write every single day. So, I guess, HAPPY YEAR FIVE! 

In my line of work, milestone years are times to strategize a communications approach--a variety of look backs and historical timelines and milestone moments and then you hashtag it all:




#YokeItUp (This is brand specific!)

You might also add in a commemorative logo that you watermark on everything. Something really creative like a big "5" in gray scale or maybe abstract like five of something (five eggs? five dots? five ladies screaming?). (Call me for all your communications needs! I am a PRO.)

I am not going to do any of those things because I am not sure I can bear to look back on five years of chaotic writing. But, I am going to kick off this year with a post I am pretty sure I've done the four previous years and list my goals for the brand-new year! After all, it is the first day of something. 

Which is a nice segue into my first goal of the year:

1. Treat each day as a brand-new opportunity for chaos, intrigue, and problems!  I will not bring yesterday's chaos forward. Instead I will look for new chaos! There are several exclusions that apply to this goal:

  • Old grudges (yeah, I know what you did and I will never forget)
  • Unsolved crimes which are not up to me to solve, but I will think about 14 times a day (WHO KILLED DR. ANTHONY?)
  • Posts in the neighborhood group from the previous day that I did not see on the day posted. 
  • All neighborhood group posts. 
  • Any historical stories of townsfolk behaving badly. 
  • Drones, aliens, things in the sky from yesterday, today, ancient times, anytime! 
  • Everything else at my discretion 
I have other less lofty goals as well:

2. Train my dog to jump through 3 hoops, spinning inbetween each hoop. 

3. Organize my extensive collection of coatigans, while praying for a cold spring so coatigan season is extended. 

4. Travel to Poland to write about science, global conflict, and perogies (all at once and also individually!), while fully expecting all my story ideas to be stolen and published by others, while I  live forever in obscurity. 

5. Reach my physical fitness goal of limiting my chronic conditions to three, by using Lily's erg to row and sob, as I miss her at college and obsessively worry about her safety. (I am also hoping that I can finally get rid of my armpit fat. But, I don't want to be too ambitious. )

I know I should stop at five, to keep with the five year theme, but I do have a very, very important sixth goal:

To write in Yoke, again, every day. 

(Because I think you missed me?)

Happy 2025, friends. See ya in the social feeds (or in Poland). 
