Speaking of themes, tomorrow night Chloe is celebrating her 14th with a charcuterie board themed sleepover. This, as the theme implies, requires many, many charcuterie boards. I am charcuterie-ing up Eldridge, which is exciting and also adding to the busyness.
Plus, we have the Lemon Ball on Saturday night. I am so excited to be back in person; but my daughters refuse to try their dresses on with their shoes (THEY ARE NOT EVEN BREAKING IN THEIR SHOES!) and I know they will each need something (like a strapless bra! They will be so mad I wrote bra in this blog.) at the last minute and there will be chaos involving me in a ballgown running through the Cherry Mall and pushing people out of the line at Victoria Secret. But, this is all to be expected!
Inbetween theme parties and balls, there are several sports and musical practices. I think my children attend school, but that seems more like something they are forced to do inbetween their atheltic and arts education. I guess this is okay? I am too busy to pay attention, fully!
I've also been too busy to keep up with my daily Fast Five and full day to do list and I'VE BEEN GOING TO BED WITH THINGS LEFT UNDONE.
I haven't done this since 2022!
I am not sure I am resilient enough to bounce back to 2023r Trish who finished lists everyday and managed to always have my "good-none-horrible-hideous-old" underwear clean. I will most likely revert to the Trish of 2022, who was functional when forced, but spent a lot of time thinking of ways to get out of things.
Like tonight, I got out of my German Ab workout by doing a 5 minute meditation; which I used to get out of reading a bedtime story. I got of two things and did one for 5 minutes. I didn't even meditate very well. I spent most of the time rearranging my "Busy Week" hairstyle so I could briefly nap while meditating.
It's brilliant really!
Anyway, I have to run and figure out if "making charcuterie boards and preparing food" counts as a party game, because then I can get out of food and games.
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