The Real Work Party (Day 355, Year 2)

Friends, I've been to several work parties in my professional and married life, including two lovely parties this year. But tonight is the real work party! It is a night out on the town with a couple of my very close townie mom friends. 

(Note:none of them are official townies yet, but they are close to do it!) 

These women are really the colleagues in my adult life that keep me going, motivate me, pick up the slack, listen to complaints about other "colleagues" and show up for me whenever I need it. And if there ever was a holiday that showcased and demanded the work of mothers, it was Christmas. 

As I mentioned last night, Christmas is a time of inescapable pressure for mothers and has been since Mary became a mother herself. 

So, tonight, we celebrate our accomplishments. We do so with too much wine and cheesesteak quesadillas and very loud talk and endless gossip and episodes that some of us might forget (but I'll remind everyone! I forget nothing!). We will celebrate another year of getting through motherhood, careers, married life, town life and just general adult life. When I think of these women, I think of the days when I am close to falling apart and I'll send them a text in our group chat and instantly watch my phone blow up with replies that make me laugh all night long.

These are colleagues every woman should have in her real life--the real women who support her, listen to her rant, make her laugh and send selfies of themselves in Christmas themed mock turtlenecks.

The women I celebrate with tonight are not the only life colleagues of mine that support me endlessly--there are loads more--locally and in remote locations. I am so blessed with this enormous safety net of women. And it isn't just me: my daughters and son get to bear witness to healthy female friendships and see how we all work together to manage our lives. My husband gets a less cranky wife and to listen to all my ridiculous stories, plus he gets bonus men to talk to you all the social events he is forced to attend.

I always say it, but I think I have to say it again, Friendship is the Best Ship friends. As the year wraps up and you celebrate all you have accomplished, don't forget to celebrate with your real life colleagues who have made all of this adulthood possible (and a hell of a lot more fun.). 
