The Last Blog of 2022 (Day 365, Year 2)

Well, friends, this is IT! Like Queen Britney, I did it again and wrote every single day in Yoke! Today is Day 365–but really it is Day 730. Two years of daily writing and for all 18-37 of you: two years of daily reading! 

I am pretty proud of myself.

Friends, doing anything, everyday, without a break, is hard. There is temptation around every corner to just forget about it all and call it a night. There was one evening when I was over served and thought it would be easier to get a guest blogger.

Friends, I should know better as a professional writer/blog editor, guest posts are a lot of work. I ended up editing it and to this day the guest blogger (my husband) is displeased with my edits and rewrites.

But enough reminiscing! I hate reminiscing and I particularly hate those memory montage episodes of TV shows. I often get excited to see the Golden Girls on just before bed and then I am devastated when the entire episode is the girls sitting around eating cheesecake and remembering episodes I’ve seen before. We also delete all Survivor montage episodes; like we’ve watched the series! Stop wasting our time!

So, I will assume if you are reading this, you’ve read at least a Yoke or two and you know the plot of this place. I write daily about whatever. Sometimes it is meaningful; often it is filled with typos; there is very little purpose, sometimes I try to be funny and you can always count on me being honest.

In the spirit of honesty, I can tell you that more times than not writing here feels like a chore, similar to taking out the trash. The main difference is that I rarely take out out the trash (I have Mike and three children and my elderly mother for that); but I always force myself to write. It is a sacrifice and frustrating and often seems pointless. But, then I keep doing it because I know with every entry I am a better writer and I know I am working through all the stories I have to tell.  Everyday is a story waiting to be told, friends! 

If I had to tell the story of this last day of the year, it would almost always include these 4 beautiful girls who I love more than I thought possible. My nieces and my daughters are the most brilliant young women I know. They make me laugh, they accept my endless honesty, they love each other unconditionally and they’ve made me a better woman. How blessed am I to watch these four change the world and laugh while they do it.

Happy New Year, friends! 
