Today, I injured myself while sitting in my car, mindlessly playing this stupid, yet very entertaining Wizard of Oz match game in the dance studio parking lot.
I was literally, just sitting there, matching gems and trying to rescue Toto, when all of the sudden my right shoulder was completely out of alignment. My neck was off, my back hurt and it was like I had a frozen shoulder.
My Nana used to complain of a frozen shoulder. If she was alive today, she’d be like 115 years old, which is literally how old I feel.
In addition, my poor husband hasn’t been able to hear out of one of his ears since he had a virus in October. He’s being treated for it, however, he often guesses incorrectly what I am saying. For example, when I mentioned “frozen shoulder” he definitely thought I was defrosting pork shoulder for dinner.
He will deny this, but this is our life now. At least, he’s just active and very good at home improvement projects. This all keeps his mind sharp!
Friends, when did we age? Where has the time gone? Is a midlife crisis next? I don’t know if I could take a midlife crisis (my own or Mike’s or anyone’s) while dealing with the frozen shoulder and hearing loss.
My shoulder feels better enough that I could work on my cross stitch—a delightful Christmas piece that says “Merry Elfin Christmas” and yell at my children to be quiet during the Hallmark movie (The Royal Nanny, 5 stars for romantic cheese, 3 stars for Christmas spirit. Just because a movie is set in December does not MAKE IT CHRISTMAS!) Now, I am going to settle into bed (after I take my array of medications that might be the only thing keeping me alive!) and Mike dons his sleep machine (we call it going under) and read until I blessedly fall asleep, only to wake up to pee at 3 am and most likely find my shoulder, still frozen, as it will be.
Hopefully, tomorrow there will be less passive injuries and more youthful spirit. We shall see. . .
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