When I first began writing this I had been walking for hours, often in circles and without strong, purposeful steps. In the beginning my steps were probably purposeful; but now they lack intregrity. Frankly, if one of my legs gives out, it will be a relief because then, maybe, someone will carry me out of here.
Now, I’ve been talking to hours to girls and woman of a variety of ages about a variety of calamities and dramas and joys.
Friends, can you guess where I am? I mean, you should know because I told you yesterday in my Yoke entry! But I understand if you missed it, we all get busy. However; I am busier than YOU, since I’ve been walking for hours!
Alright, you’ve worn me down (and if you are still reading, I am impressed I did not wear you down), I am at Girl Scout Camp!
I do love Girl Scouting, mostly because I love my wilderness loving middle daughter and she loves Girl Scouting. But there are other things I love, too. I love the opportunity to show other girls that grown-ups care about them. I love knowing that my daughter will see this and someday be a grown woman who cares about another girl, too. I love learning from people I’d never encounter in my day to day. My two co leaders are women I would not ever encounter in my regular life. Our kids are not the same age; we don’t live in the same neighborhood. Our children don’t play the same sports. But we have girls who love camping; so here we are, up until 1 am talking about everything in the whole entire world.
Being a girls girl is really one of the greatest joys.
If you recall, the last time I went Girl Scout camping, I experienced a twisted ankle; 12 hours of intense vomiting, a dead car battery, a flat tire and several things my brain has forgotten in order to protect me from the trauma.
But, what I also experienced the last time was incredible love and support. Other mothers tending to my daughter and to me. Laughter over calamities. Friendship through the good and the bad.
And that’s Girl Scout Camp, friends. It’s being there for other women; it’s modeling that friendship for the girls in your troop; it’a being a girls’ girl.
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