Dizzy (Day 306, Year 2)

Well, friends, it was another day and a busy day at that. Some highlights, I wore pants and a blazer and was wandering around a farm turned conference center chasing scientists with questions, Chloe tried to remove a mystery object in her foot, we had an argument with our vet, Lily got a bronze medal and Nicholas briefly lost his school iPad but found it, praise Jesus. 

Oh and my mom had some interlude with an "energy salesman" that Mike refuses to discuss. 

I wanted to write tonight about some inspiring things happening in my world and about the incredible science I got to soak up today. However, when I began writing about it, Chloe came down with the mystery object situation and suddenly all inspirational thoughts went out the door. So I'll save those incredible things for a time when I am able to think straight.

Right now, my thinking is all over the place and I am going to let it be that way. There is just so much going on and everything going on is a blessing (although the vet situation is a curse and I am not sure about "energy salesman" situation, since we are not allowed to talk about it). The girls are wrapping up their first marking period at school. Chloe wrapped up field hockey. Lily is wrapping up crew and starting auditions for "Something Rotten," with the theater group she performs with. Nicholas is still playing soccer; but soon, soon, even that will wrap up. We are in a transition period and I think everyone is feeling the pressure of not being entirely used to this temporary state. I feel like we just got used to the Fall and now, despite it being 75 degrees in NJ, it is slowly moving towards winter time. 

It's all a little dizzying. But, remember how fun it was to spin around in a circle really fast and then stop and feel that disorienting feeling? Dizzying can be fun, like that. I am trying to embrace that sensation--the sensation of being briefly disoriented but then slowly feeling your balance and your focus returning. If you want to get dizzy, you can simply spin again. If you want to remain calm, then don't spin. 

I keep telling myself these things in order to keep myself even. So far, it is sort of working.
