I don't even like this expression. It's pedestrian. But, whatever, today was pedestrian on my standards. It was a common day of doctors and health insurance and dinner making and driving children and room mom-ing (best part of my day, always!), and friend-ing (always a joy!) and baby food peddling and cancer talk and a little beer writing tossed in the mix. I even managed to wrap up a major project for a client that I've been working on for an eternity, which means I get to immediately jump in the tangle of another major project.
This is everyday, friends. Every. single. messy. wonderful. dreamy. day.
But enough about my suburban housewife problems, let's turn our focus to what I love to discuss when I am not complaining: books!
I've mentioned before how I love to read thematically depending on the season and my mood. I love doing everything thematically (which is why I have stashes of seasonal party plates everywhere! event accessories are important!). I spent September reading uplifting, comforting reads by Katherine Center. I started with her latest, "The Bodyguard," took a pause and read the very non-comforting, but intriguing (and I highly recommend, Walker also wrote Dietland, which is excellent!) "The Cherry Robbers" by Sarai Walker and then I read six more Katherine Center books in an effort to feel uplfted and comforted and hopeful. Center's books are like Hallmark movies--there is a little bit of a formula to them, but they are still unique enough to be an absolute pleasure to enjoy. And you never have bad dreams after you read one of her books, which is always a plus.
I would not say I became a wise, comforted and comforting person who does not sweat the small stuff, but I did feel my heart growing a couple sizes for the people I already deeply loved and appreciated them a bit more after my Katherine Center binge, which included, "Things You Save in a Fire," "How to Walk Away," "Happiness for Beginners," "The Lost Husband," "The Bright Side of Disaster," and "Get Lucky." She has even more books, which I am saving for when I am miserable again.
But, now it is October and it's time for me to switch genres and get reading thrillers, mysteries, suspense and maybe some horror. I am about two-thirds of the way through "The It Girl" by Ruth Ware and I am loving it. I love most British authors and I really enjoy Ware. I haven't read her full library yet, which is excellent because it means I have more books to binge; but I did love "The Turn of the Key," too.
Here's what else I've got on my spooktacular book list:
1. The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware
2. The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware
3. Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn
4. Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney
5. A Discovery of Witches (Book of the All Souls Trilogy) by Deborah Harkness
6. The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
7. Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield
8. Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice
I don't think I'll get to all of these books--and I will definitely have bad dreams. I will probably get distracted and find other October-y books to read (so send your recommendations my way!).
Happy reading!
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