Last night, two separate friends told me that they look forward to reading my blog everyday. One even called it all "fascinating." The other just "enjoyed" my posts.
I am now up to at least 19 regular readers, friends! While this is certainly not "viral" (maybe more like a "rare disease"), it always tickles me when people tell me they read what I wrote, since that is the very point of publishing my writing: so others can enjoy it and be fascinated!
I am, however, without obvious detractors and naysayers. And until I have haters, I still not yet satisfied. I'll try to be more controversial and negative this week to see if anyone calls me "that writer" or "trash" while I sit by the town pool looking for controversy to write about. This is a very good transition for the topic at hand, tonight in Yoke: I had a real do nothing day today!
I found it to be glorious. My husband and middle daughter struggle a bit with do nothing days. Chloe said, "I feel I've wasted away and have no value." My husband said he was getting a little upset about accomplishing nothing.
However, I am happy to say that when I am having a do nothing day, I am, in fact, devalued if I do anything. To maintain my value as a human being, I must fully embrace the do nothing day and in fact do nearly nothing.
I did shower, which makes me feel a little bit like a cheater. In my defense, I did have to wash off the remnants of fresh squeezed orange juice on my arms from last night's Orange Crush making (which was the catalyst to today's do nothing day). And then I did take a walk, but my pace was so slow I nearly fell over several times, so this is allowed. And we did go out to dinner, but I mostly smiled and talked about inane things like haircuts. Nothing was accomplished at dinner and no plans for the future were made.
I did not even order anything from Amazon today. I allowed Chloe to cheat at Rummikub. I napped the bulk of the day and even fell asleep watching Real Housewives of NYC and then later Love at First Sight. (This all made for wonderful dreams of dysfunction and reality). I did read a couple pages of my latest book 'The Gifted School," which is supposed to be a satire, but feels like I am reading about my own life, which is fascinating not SATIRICAL!)
But, even as I list these things I did do, these are really not anything. The dishwasher is not emptied. (Not that I actually empty it, but I did not even yell at the children to empty it.) I have no idea what I have tomorrow on my calendar and certainly cannot look, because I am doing nothing today. . .except, you know, a few things. . .
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