New pens are like new underwear: desperately needed and without unfortunate malfunctions.
Of course, there were other good things, too. I woke up and after the chaotic morning of madness (someone is always missing ALL THEIR GOOD CLOTHES), I came home and I wrote without checking emails or calendars or anything else. I just did the thing I love to do most and that was put words to the page.
And then there were all the other things I had to do and all the madness of the end of the school year with bizarre schedules and requirements. And then, after a very productive and enjoyable Costco run, I came home to my new pens (and my family).
I know you cannot permanently buy happiness and I don't believe that buying things is the solution to the deepest problems. But friends, we all know a new, little treat can certainly distract you for a little while. And distraction can truly move you from bad places to good places. Bad places can be like a magnet or like quick sand sucking you in.
Distractions can release some of their power; freeing you up to move onto wherever is next.
For me, I am not ever sure what is next. I am excited for my kids to finish 10th, 7th and 3rd grades tomorrow. I am so proud of them for keeping up with the forward movement of life. They've each accomplished their own things; but I simply celebrate their marvelous, beautiful existence. I probably won't even open their last report cards (I am not one for grades, in the first place). But, I will look at them tomorrow morning, as they fight over a waffle and yell at me for breathing too loudly and scream over all their good clothes that have gone missing and think, "well, at least I also ordered post-it notes to distract me."
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