It is day 100 of my second year of writing every single day in Yoke! A milestone, friends! In honor of this milestone let's talk about me (like we always do!).
I assume that my loyal readers enjoy me talking about me, because they seem to come back every day! So, I am going to keep on with the narcissism and self-centeredness and absolute insufferable confidence and continue talking about ME! Tonight: let's talk about my favorite "Me" subtopic: my vanity!
Last night, a few friends mentioned that I am very photogenic and that I never take a bad picture.
This friends is one lie and a truth. The lie is that I am photogenic (I AM NOT!) and the truth is I would never post a bad picture of myself.
I mean who would do such a thing?
I have my husband to post bad pictures of me on milestone occasions (saves me the trouble!).
One year, he posted a picture of me on my birthday. In the picture I am holding radishes with an odd look on my face. The radishes were just plucked from our garden and the look on my face is one that says: "I am thinking about eating these radishes, " or just as likely, "I just murdered someone with a garden rake. They deserved it and I am not sorry."
And I know I just said I would never post a bad picture of myself, but I changed my mind! Tonight is all about bad pictures, like the radish one:
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