Before I go into the woods. (Day 63, Year 2)

My oldest has her musical this weekend and an indoor regatta and crew practice and practice for another musical. My youngest has soccer, lacrosse, communion class, soccer and musical practice. My middle has Girl Scout camp (and then musical practice upon her return). 

So, of course, I am going camping. 

I am just staying the night and part of tomorrow; because of all the other things listed above plus the very important things I am definitely forgetting. 

I am one of the Girl Scout leaders--the most dysfunctional, yet, at least I like to think, still very delightful, one. Just hours ago, which was just hours before we are set to leave, I realized I was not sure which camp we were going to. 

Luckily the other two functional, focused leaders are just a text message away to save me and literally guide me into my parking spot at Camp Indawindawin (this is spelled incorrectly! Fight me!). They only ever laugh with me and not at me; and friends, these are exactly the sort of women we all should have in our lives. These women never ever make me feel badly about who I am; if anything, I think I add some excitement to their lives and allow everyone to know if they are stuck in traffic or running late, chances are I haven't even left the house yet. 

Anyway, before I go into the woods, there are several things I have to do! Here's what's on my pre-camping to do list:

1. Write

Well, I am doing that now, so you can all check this off! I feel so successful!

2. Shower

I know I am going into the woods, but I like to start with a clean slate! And cleanliness is Godliness, so whatever that means. 

3. Pack up the Keurig!

We are staying in a cabin (praise Jesus!) so I am bringing our extra Keurig. I love the outdoors and I also love hot beverages! 

4. Pack up the things you need to camp.

Chloe is figuring this out. She is the Girl Scout! I am leading her by allowing her to take the lead in preparing the camping things, whatever those are. 

5. Eat my last meal!

There will be food at camp; but past experiences have taught me that a satisfying last meal before entering the woods can make the difference between eating 3 white bread and cheese sandwiches and 7 white bread and cheese sandwiches. Girl scouting makes me very hungry! You burn a lot of calories making sure no one wanders off into the woods and also when you are the one who wanders off into the woods! 

6. Select the perfect fanny pack!

Good accessories make my day! And while Chloe says a fanny pack is not required for Girl Scout camping, what does she know? She is only 13! I also have to decide which earrings to wear and which lipstick goes with "pine barrens with 14 girls"

7. Pack all the plaid! 

I love plaid in the woods! I have to gather it all, lest I offend the woods and woodland creatures.

8. All the things I am forgetting. 

There are so many things I will remember to do approximately 5 minutes after the time I said we were leaving. This includes: ordering birthday cakes, printing out a Girl Scout song in French, selecting which lipstick goes with "Post pine barrens driving home alone in my car," ordering flowers for the other leaders and maybe creating a Pinterest board with ideas for my capsule wardrobe for  Paris. Oh and I should download a new book on my kindle and I should totally find my eye mask for sleeping and beef jerky! We need beef jerky! 

I think that's it, besides the things I am forgetting, like gas in my car. 
