Today marks 100 straight days of writing here in Yoke!
It's so amazing. To honor the occasion, I woke up with the moon (did I mention I now get up early?), attended a very exciting partial kid pitch (but the coach pitched) baseball game, made Italian roast beef for lunch and chicken parmesan for dinner, talked to my seedlings, did many crew parent things, like attending a meeting in a parking lot and packing snack bags in a backyard and endlessly worrying about my baby girl on the scary river in another state tomorrow (pray everyone! pray!), and of course, pulled out my lucky $100 bill and took a bite out of it!
Yes, I know money is very, very, very dirty and we are in a pandemic and yes, my mother would be horrified if she knew, so don't tell her and yes I know yesterday I was in the depths of some sort of intense, psychotic grief and it is all a lot to keep up with it.
So, I am going to dissect and recap the past 100 days; but not like everyday, because that would take forever and I get up early now, (did I mention this?), and it is almost my bed time!
1. I made some goals! And I stuck to them, except for buying myself a desk and I did miss two days of meditation somehow. I even worked on my book here and there and an essay I want to send somewhere fancy like Woman's Day magazine! (I feel like the fact I was their FAVORITE intern in 1999 should count for something!). I've done an ab workout everyday and while I am not ready to become a fitness model; my posture has improved so much!
Note: I really need to get a desk of my own. I am like some sort of gypsy with a laptop just wandering the house and taking very important calls in the center of the house and demanding everyone hide (silently) in closets. We have a perfectly good office/den that I don't allow anyone to use, including myself.
2. I had several breakdowns in Yoke. I am not making light of my admissions and dark feelings, but the truth is: I've seen some things. After my Sibling Day breakdown, I felt so much more myself today. Sometimes you have to let it out and then let it out again and again and repeat until you have a best seller! (Joking! Sort of! I am 100-percent for sale!). Anyway, I am proud of myself for remaining honest in my writing in Yoke and remaining true to my goal of writing without editing and just letting it all out. You get what you see here--some days I am discussing pornographic regency dramas, other days Jesus, the next day cataracts and then I am suddenly having a full-on mental attack over my personal trauma.
There is always something to see here, people!
3. I ordered at least $400 in seeds. My husband likes to repeatedly say: "I did not know you could spend that much on seeds." And I like to say: "YES YOU DO! BECAUSE YOU KEEP MENTIONING IT!" My sweet little seeds are well on their way to becoming sweet BIG plants and I really cannot wait. I've got to clean out our front yard garden and then, finalize the plans for the side yard garden that will be epic (and sure to cause family discord over it's construction) and figure out how to configure my fence strawberry and lettuce hanging garden! Here are our babies all tucked in with their plastic wrap blankets:
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