I've become addicted to a daily nap, like I am toddler.
Or an old man. Or a cat!
It started out of desperation--the first week of early rising nearly killed me and I had to nap or I feared I'd pass out on the way to dance class pick-up or begin snoring during a Powerpoint presentation (this has happened before. But at least I was off camera).
But, now, it has been three weeks and I have to take a nap daily. In fact, sometimes, I feel like I cannot even stray too far from my bed.
I am addicted to napping!
A month ago, I was 100-percent not a napper. In fact, I often told my husband that napping was for losers and babies.
I hated missing out on my day when I could be accomplishing something very important like scrolling through my Facebook feed or reading a book or working!
But, now, I have to nap. Today, I did not even have to get early. (Lily had a race yesterday, so we got to rise with the sun like human beings). But, today, I had to nap.
My children will remember me as the mother who napped! And I am not super pleased about that. I mean will they tell their kids: "My mom napped a lot when we were kids! We could not interrupt her during nap time!" They will probably think I have some invalid-like condition that causes me to fatigue easily. Or that I have a mental disorder or I am addicted to pain killers or something.
When, the real truth is, I am addicted to my afternoon nap!
Today, I tried to go cold turkey and power through nap time without napping and I ended up like this:
Asleep on the dining room bench, like my family's own in-house hobo.
So, I think I need a sponsor! Or an intervention! Or a pillow. . .
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