Week 3 Review, as told by Bernie Memes(Day 22)

It turns out I do love an easy tradition and this little weekly check-in is keeping me on track to reach my 2021 goals! And I know you've all spent this entire week thinking only of me and my life! 

And of course, enjoying Bernie memes. Like this one:

In the spirit of this landmark week, that will go down in history as the week Bernie Sanders wore fuzzy gloves to a fancy political event and then became a sensation, I've decided to retell my week using Bernie Memes.

1. On Saturday, we attended the Virtual Lemon Ball for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation. I drank an entire bottle of Prosecco and served carbohydrates for dinner, while dancing to music in the living room and spontaneously buying a week at the beach during the charity auction. 

2. There was the emergency room visit for Lily (who is fine. Just a shunt scare, which is completely normal in our world), which did indeed go a lot like this:

3. On Wednesday, someone rang our doorbell at 11:50pm, which set off a whole chain reaction of madness. I cannot even get into the whole scene, but it included a gray car, a man with a wagon and emergency alerts. There was no actual emergency, but there was a wagon. And I had to describe the wagon several times:

4. I again was 100% compliant with my daily goals. (Isn't the word compliance extreme? It reminds me of a mental institution: "The patient is very compliant."). I did my abs, my meditation and wrote here every day. I even did a few rides, like Bernie! 

5. I still have not gotten myself a desk or worked on the book thing. But I have one more week to work on this stuff in January, so you know, stop judging me:

6. But mostly, I felt like I watching a tornado rip through everything. Work was crazy. My kids were crazy. My dog was very demanding. The fish even seemed needy. The cat hid (as usual, but in a demanding way). I was crazy. But, since I've been meditating, I mostly watch the crazy spin by and try not to hang out with it too much, like Dorothy:

And that's it folks. Tomorrow, I am inexplicably going to the Tractor Supply Store to buy stuff (Tractor supplies?) My friend rented a UHaul (nothing can go wrong right?). And Sunday, Chloe turns 12 and, which is incredible. Monday is Cataract Surgery (eye 2)! So pray for my mother and me. And of course, thank you for being a friend:
