755 (Day 31)

Picture it, it is 1990 something and I am sprawled out in my childhood bedroom. The room is at a crossroads of little girl (with the French Provincial matching bedroom set and my beloved stuffed lion named LiLi)--and teenager (ghostly remnants of New Kids on the Block posters from junior high have been mostly covered with Pearl Jam, Nirvana and Counting Crow posters procured by my new, cool, high school self.) I am definitely wearing a flannel, stolen from my Dad's closet. My hair is in two french braids for good luck. (I braided my hair like this once and ended up with nearly a week off school and an ice storm.) 

A throwback to 1980 something 

I am painting my nails, just in case I have to go into school the next day (vanity was always my strong suit). 

I have to take polishing breaks to carefully use my polished hand to move my boombox antenna so KYW 1060 AM stays clear. Outside, the weather is promising, some flurries and Action News on Channel 6 said Bucks County is in for 6-12 inches and maybe an ice storm, but the Central Bucks School district, despite its sprawling geography, is intrepid and stubborn. I spent many a junior high morning waiting at my bus stop, while cars skidded down the road only to learn 5 minutes before my scheduled bus stop that no bus would be coming after all. 

Just when I am ready to switch over to listening to a lament by the Counting Crows, I hear the ticker and then:


It is a snow day! I scream to my parents and look forward to staying up and doing absolutely nothing of value. 

755!! The three best numbers in the 1990s. No school. No way to turn in that English paper. No need to go in and deal with any girl drama (there was always someone who didn't like someone and usually I was both of those someones to two other someones). All that remained was the most perfect interruption and delay of normal life.


Do you remember? I found this video on YouTube and listed to the soothing ticker of KYW and the announcers voice--calling out school closing numbers like lottery numbers--and really, I think my mood elevated from normal to elated, just by that sound. My kids have no idea what they are missing out on--for their snow days we get an email, a call and a text-which is all very efficient. However, the evening and morning of listening and waiting made the snow day so much more exciting.  

Happy Snow Day Eve!  
