Campbell, like my daughter Lily, is also a cancer fighter. Campbell has been fighting recurrent ependymoma for most of her life. She has endured nine major brain surgeries, endless clinical trials and is now slated to begin one last chance chemotherapy treatment.
There is no known cure for recurrent ependymoma; but the doctors are trying and they are fighting with Campbell to save her life.
Campbell's insurance company, Anthem Blue Cross, has denied coverage of one chemotherapy medication that has shown success in killing ependymoma drugs. Campbell is declining. She was set to begin treatment tomorrow, July 16. Right now, everything is on hold and Campbell's life is in the balance.
Campbell deserves this chance to live. Her mother Robin deserves this chance to keep fighting for her daughter's life. These are people whom I love, adore and pray for everyday. Please sign the petition, share, tweet and scream from the rooftops. Anthem Blue Cross NEEDS to approve this treatment.
Campbell deserves it.
In the event Anthem Blue Cross does not approve the treatment, Campbell's family will need to pay out of pocket. Please consider supporting their GoFundMe campaign and helping Campbell get the treatment she needs NOW: http://www.gofundme.com/ble5ns
Here are sample tweest:
Please sign & RT: Help 8 year old Campbell get the chemo she needs NOW. Sign this petition; http://bit.ly/chemo4Cam #Chemo4Cam @AnthemPR_CA
Please help Campbell get the chemo she needs NOW! Donate: http://www.gofundme.com/ble5ns #Chemo4Cam
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