The girls are the victims of an ongoing conflict that does involve them--bystanders in corrupt and criminal power plays.
As I type this, I think of my two little girls. I think of their beautiful classmates and their friends, all safe at school, right here, in the United States. What if, they weren't safe, what if I arrived at school pick up today to learn they were simply gone.
Kidnapped. Gone. Lost.
And what if no one cared to help my daughters?
Today in Nigeria, 234 mothers and fathers are living in terror that they will never see their daughters again. And those 234 daughters, we don't know what is happening to them--sex slavery? rape? torture? murder? imprisonment?
These girls need our help--they need are help RIGHT NOW. The actions of Boko Haram are vile, evil and defy every bit of goodness and godliness that exists in this world.
As God's people, as mothers and fathers, it is our job to protect, rescue and fight for the lives of those who need us.
This week's installment of Only One Thing is a call to action, spurred by this verse from Isaiah 1:17 :
Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.
This week and every week, until those girls are home, sitting at Christ's feet means charging forward for justice. I urge you to do the following and help #BringBackOurGirls (thanks to World Moms Blog for pulling together):
Use social media to spread the word about the situation in Nigeria. Put massive pressure on the government, security forces, and the neighboring governments to spur them to action. Use the hash tag, #BRINGBACKOURGIRLS. Change your profiled picture to the Bring Back Our Girls pictures in this post.
3. Get More Information
Read more by World Moms Blog contributor Jennifer Prestholdt in The Advocates for Human Rights post, “Nightmare for Nigeria’s School Girls.”
4. Show we are united and take it to social media!
Take a photo with the #BRINGBACKOUTGIRLS hashtag and show you support our girls! Sign prompts "What if it was your daughter" "Where are our girls, we want them back"
5. Like Bring Our Girls Back on Facebook
Share this post and the all the information with everyone you know. Together, we will bring our girls back.
It is absolutely horrific. 3 girls are the daughter of a pastor who is connected to our church. I cannot IMAGINE the terror.
ReplyDeleteOh Jo-Lynne, so horrifying and so close to home. Prayers!
DeleteGreat quote from Isaiah. Very relevant!