Play lacrosse. Love wastefully.

Today Lily will be officially adopted by the Temple Women's Lacrosse team through the Friends of Jaclyn Foundation. FOJ is an amazing organization that matches children with brain tumors with collegiate athletic teams. The children and their family get a support system and in Lily's case--25 amazing, inspiring sisters, who happen to be kick-ass athletes; 3 talented coaches and all their extended families. It is big.

This relationship is still new--we've been to just 3 games since Easter. Earlier this year, I wrote about loving wastefully--throwing love around like it is limitless. The Temple Lacrosse Team and their families love more than anyone I've ever encountered.

Friday, I received a Facebook post from one of the team members that ended with, "I love you." There it was, in black and white, a declaration of Love from a woman, who I met only a handful of times. I wrote, "I love you"back. It made my day to love someone who I just met, because, well, it was easy. Throwing love around is the most wonderful feeling. Having love thrown at you is like Christmas. It is magic.

So many of us agonize over 'I love you.' In a romantic relationship, it is a turning point, a commitment to a future. In life, 'I love you,' is medicinal--it is the fuel our souls need to soar, to wake up in the morning and face the day and for our family (especially for me), "I love you, " is all the hope I need. Where there is love, there is joy and when there is joy and love--mountains move, miracles happen and we all love wastefully.

To our new Temple Lacrosse family--We love you. Thank you for this gift and for a place in your family. xoxo


  1. Trish, I found your blog- nothing Google can't find! I'm Karen, the media relations contact for Temple LAX who was taking pictures yesterday. This is a link to the story I posted:

    There is a link in there for a few photos I took as well. Even though I'm not really part of the team, I am excited to be a part of this journey in some way. You're a special family.


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